Does Dunnes Stores Ship to the USA?

By Shopaholic James / Last modified on August 31, 2023

Dunnes Stores holds a special place in the hearts of many Irish people, both at home and abroad. With a rich history and a wide variety of products, it’s no wonder that the Irish diaspora, especially those residing in the USA, yearn for a touch of home through Dunnes’ offerings and the US, with its significant population of Irish immigrants and their descendants, has always had a deep connection with the Emerald Isle.

From contemporary clothing collections that capture the essence of Irish design to homeware that brings a touch of Irish charm to any living space, Dunnes has something for everyone. For many, shopping at Dunnes is not just about purchasing items; it’s about reliving memories, staying connected to one’s roots, and introducing the next generation to the beauty of Irish craftsmanship. Whether it’s a classic Aran sweater, a chic dress, or unique home decor, the appeal of Dunnes Stores transcends borders, making it a sought-after shopping destination for many Irish and Irish Americans alike.

Here’s the bad news: Although Dunnes Stores ships to many countries, including Canada, Currently Dunnes Stores does not ship to the US. There is a solution, however: use a package forwarding company.

Using a Package Forwarding Service for Dunnes Stores Orders

While Dunnes Stores doesn’t directly ship to the USA, there’s no need to be disheartened. Thanks to package forwarding services, you can still get your favorite Dunnes products delivered to your doorstep in the US. One such reliable service is forward2me. With warehouses in both Germany and the UK, it offers a seamless way to forward your Dunnes Stores purchases to the USA.

Note: It makes more sense to order to Forward2me’s German warehouse if your order is for more than £135.

Here’s how to use forward2me and shop at Dunnes Stores:

  1. Sign Up with forward2me: Begin by creating an account on forward2me. Once registered, you’ll receive a personal shipping address in either Germany or the UK, based on your preference.
  2. Shop at Dunnes Stores: Head over to the Dunnes Stores website and shop as you normally would. At checkout, use the forward2me address provided to you as the shipping address.
  3. Choose Your Warehouse: If your order from Dunnes Stores is less than £135, Forward2me’s UK website is a good choice. However, if you’re looking to consolidate multiple orders, have an order above £135 in value, or prefer an EU-based warehouse, forward2me’s Germany location is a great choice.
  4. Receive and Forward: Once your order arrives at the forward2me warehouse, you’ll be notified. Log into your forward2me account, and you can choose to consolidate packages if needed and then arrange for the shipment to be forwarded to your address in the USA.
  5. Delivery to Your Doorstep: forward2me will handle the rest, ensuring your Dunnes Stores products are safely and efficiently shipped to your US address.

By leveraging package forwarding services like forward2me, you can enjoy the best of Dunnes Stores, irrespective of geographical boundaries. Whether it’s the latest fashion collection or unique homeware, nothing is out of reach. Happy shopping!